I love the way the photos from this lifestyle newborn photography session turned out. We decided to do this session at my client’s house, since I often find that it’s much easier for a new mom to do newborn photos in the comfort of her own home. It’s an option I wish had been more widely available when I was having my little ones!
In fact, one of my biggest regrets is that I don’t have any newborn or maternity photographs from my own life. You can learn more about me here, but I’ll tell you that all of my sweet little ones were c-section babies. The last thing I wanted to be doing right after they arrived was hauling them and my sore, post-surgery self to a studio for pictures…so I didn’t. Although I regret it, every cloud has a silver lining. Wishing I had professional photos of my babies prompted me to offer at-home newborn photography sessions to my clients. It brings me so much joy to be able to capture the precious relationship between a mother and her child. There is no better place to do that than in the absolute security of their home.

Let me guess. You’re thinking, “That’s great, but you have no idea the kind of hot mess I am right now. I don’t even have the energy to brush my hair. In-home session or studio session, it doesn’t matter. Nobody is taking pictures of me looking like this!” Don’t worry, I have been there. That’s why I partnered with Analisa Hastings and her team of professional hair and makeup artists. When I set up an at-home lifestyle session I give my clients the option of having an artist come to their home beforehand. Having your hair done and your makeup just right brings a feeling of confidence. I want you to feel totally comfortable and relaxed during your session.

It was wonderful to watch this particular mama realize how beautiful she was as she held her precious baby boy in her arms. There is something so special and intimate about a newborn photography lifestyle session. It never gets old for me!
I have several plans available and always try to tailor my options to best fit the needs of my clients. Some just want a newborn session, while others plan ahead for milestones. This mother chose the baby plan that includes a newborn, six-month, and one-year session. This plan also includes an album and USB after the sessions. It’s a great choice, and one which I would highly recommend.

Thank you so much for reading my blog! If you are interested in booking a session, please enter your information and I will be in touch with you shortly. Just a little note: all of my sessions do book several months in advance. For newborn sessions, please be sure to contact me while you are still pregnant, as newborn sessions take place when your baby is 6-12 days old. The number of available sessions each month is limited, so contact me as soon as you can to reserve your date and time. I can’t wait to hear from you! Lots of love!