One of the best things I’ve done for my business and my clients is to offer artwork. But I know that figuring how to offer artwork as a photographer can feel overwhelming. Believe me, I’ve been there. When I first started thinking about it years ago, I knew what I wanted: I wanted to create gorgeous artwork that was true to my style, that my clients loved, and that would last and be passed down in their families as keepsakes.
But…how do you do this? Where do you even print your pictures?
Offering artwork as a photographer is easier than you think.
How to Offer Artwork as a Photographer
First, choose one thing you love and that you want to offer to your clients. Albums, framed prints, canvases. Whatever it is, just make sure it relates to your photography niche and your clients.
Now it’s time to do some research. Google is a great place to start, but you also want to get personal. After all, this is personalized, cherished artwork you want to offer. Search locally, reach out to other photographers, ask moms who have printed artwork what they love. Research is essential to finding out what will truly speak to your clients and be lasting and valuable for them.
Once you’ve narrowed down what type of artwork you want to offer and possible printing labs to try, you can really get started! Call your printing lab and ask to speak with a customer service representative. They can help you get started and order your first test prints and samples. (A couple of great beginner labs are Millers and WHCC. I recommend them as they have a little of everything and even offer discount for samples!)
Learning how to offer artwork as a photographer truly isn’t as intimidating as it feels at first. Take it one step at a time, and once you feel comfortable offering one type of artwork to your clients, you can branch out and begin expanding your product line.
Learn More
You can do this! It’s wonderful for your business, and also a beautiful and valuable service to offer clients. If you need more help with building your photography business, you can learn more about my mentoring program, find helpful tips, or grab one of my free guides here.