Newborn baby asleep in studio in The Woodlands, Texas. Tips for your newborn photography session

Rock-a-Bye Baby | Tips for Getting Your Little One to Sleep

Shannon Reece Jones Photography

Bringing your sweet bundle home is absolutely magical. There’s nothing like being in your own space with this precious new life you’ve brought into the world. But it also comes with challenges as you get used to parenting your baby and understanding their cues. One of the biggest changes for new parents is often the change to your usual sleep schedule! It does get better, I promise. but in the meantime, here are a few tips for getting your little one to sleep. I hope these help you and your baby to have sweet dreams tonight!

Newborn baby asleep in studio in The Woodlands, Texas. Tips for your newborn photography session

Feed Baby

A full baby is a happy baby. While your little one will need feeding through the night at first, helping them to stay awake during those times long enough to get in a good feed will help them to stay full longer–and so sleep a bit longer too!

White Noise

Some newborns and littles really enjoy some gentle sounds to lull them off to dreamland. Experiment with a few to see if your baby responds well to traditional white noise, deeper tones (like pink or brown noise), nature sounds, or lullabies.


Newborns love to be swaddled. In fact, this is one of the tricks I often use at my studio or during in-home photography sessions to help babies nod off. You can purchase swaddles that are designed specifically for that purpose (they often have some kind of fastener to help keep them in place), but a simple receiving blanket works just as well. Wrap them snugly, but not too tight. Some babies like one or both arms out of the swaddle, while others like their arms at their sides or crossed. Also, make sure that their hips and legs can move. You want them to feel snug and secure, not trapped!

Tips for getting your little one to sleep, mom cradling swaddled baby girl

Warm and Cozy

Cozy temperatures can also help babies get to sleep. You don’t want them to overheat, so it’s important not to have the temperature of the room too high, especially if they are swaddled or wearing a warm pajama set. But wrapping them up warm or holding them to you so they can feel your body heat can help them relax enough to drift off.

Stay Relaxed Yourself

I know it’s hard when you’re sleep-deprived and feeling anxious for your little one to fall asleep! But babies are often very in tune with their caregiver’s emotions. Staying relaxed yourself really can make the difference between a sleepy baby and a fussy one. So if you need to turn the TV on low, make yourself a cup of tea, or listen to some music, go ahead and do that. Baby may just respond to your calm and relaxed mood by mirroring it!

Dad kissing newborn baby girl near window in Texas home

I hope these tips for getting your little one to sleep help to make night-times more manageable, especially in those first few weeks while you are all adjusting! Just remember that you are doing so much better than you think you are. Cherish those moments of holding and rocking your little one–those days go by faster than you could ever dream possible!

You might also enjoy these other tips for helping your baby to sleep during their newborn photography session.