We’ve talked about how to handle hosting for the holidays with a newborn. But what if your holiday plans this year involve jetting out of Houston and traveling to spend the season with family or friends? These holiday plane travel tips for Houston mamas with babies should help you decide whether plane travel is right for you, and how to make your trip a success.

Traveling by Plane with a New Baby: Tips for Houston Moms

Talk to Your Pediatrician

While most healthy, full-term babies can fly a month or two after birth, it’s recommended to wait a few months if at all possible. Always check with your pediatrician to see if they feel like flying would be safe for your baby—and to get their expert tips as well!

Pack Breast Milk and Formula Separately

If you’re stressing about breast milk and formula, remember that the TSA does allow moms traveling with infants to take more than the usual 3.4 ounces of these liquids. To keep things as hassle-free as possible, pack all of your formula, breast milk, and any toddler drinks or liquid snacks together in a separate bag so that airport security can screen them quickly.

Newborn baby asleep in Santa's chair with bottle of milk

Check Your Stroller

While there are some handy travel strollers that fold up nice and small, you don’t need one to fly. As long as your stroller folds in half, you can check it at the gate and it will be ready for you to pick up when your flight lands.

Keep Baby Comfortable During Takeoff and Landing

The change in air pressure during takeoff and landing is uncomfortable, so it’s a good idea to be prepared. Swallowing helps to relieve the pain in their ears, so plan to give baby a bottle or pacifier at the beginning and end of your flight. You can also give a dose of baby pain reliever (which your pediatrician probably talked to you about!) if the binky just isn’t cutting it.


Nobody wants to be the mama with a crying baby on a flight, but if your little one won’t settle, just keep your focus where it belongs: on them. The other passengers will be fine! Your job is simply to take care of yourself and your sweet little bundle.

Holiday plane travel tips for Houston mamas with babies

Remember Your Camera

Baby’s first time on a plane? This is a big moment! Don’t forget to take a few cell phone snaps and pack your camera so that you can capture all those sweet holiday memories of baby’s first Christmas with your loved ones.

I hope these holiday plane travel tips for Houston moms with babies have been helpful for you! If you’ll be traveling by car instead, or just need a few more general tips for traveling with an infant, you can learn more here.

Get in Touch with Shannon

Wherever you’re off to this holiday season, I hope that both your travels and your celebrations are wonderful. And when you’re back in Houston, I hope I’ll be seeing you and your little one in the studio to capture even more precious memories.